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About Stedfeld Mediation Services

The mission of Stedfeld Mediation Services is to help individuals, businesses, organizations and families hold difficult conversations and resolve conflicts.  We work with topics such as employee conflicts, elder care decisions, estate planning, and many other difficult decisions or disagreements. 


We can meet with clients through online video platforms or conference calls, and are also available for in-person meetings in Oregon, Washington and Idaho.


Robin Stedfeld, the owner and mediator with Stedfeld Mediation Services, provides mediation, facilitates planning conversations, and provides one-on-one coaching.  


With a Master of Arts in Counseling and Personnel Services, Robin began professional practice as a mediator in 2011, and has completed more than 360 hours of mediation training, including training in workplace mediation, estate and probate mediation, domestic relations mediation and online mediation.  Robin is a court-connected Domestic Relations mediator with over three Circuit Court jurisdictions in Oregon, and is a member of the Family Law Advisory Committee in District 6 and District 10 of the Oregon Circuit Courts.   She is also a member of the Oregon Mediation Association, the Association for Conflict Resolution, and the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts.   


Before becoming a mediator, Robin worked for thirty years in higher education and nonprofit management, with an emphasis in hiring, supervision, project management, grant management, and training.  Robin has worked with union-represented employees, and has extensive experience working in communities which are diverse by race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and religion.

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